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What we believe



Grace Lutheran Church is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and that the one and only true God is the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions, and believe that all people are sinners, but through faith in Jesus Christ alone we receive forgiveness, salvation and everlasting life.


  • There is only one God, the God who reveals Himself in the Holy Bible. He is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • God created the world in six days, speaking it into existence by His word.

  • Humans did not descend from any other creature, but from Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, originally made perfect by God.

  • Adam and Eve sinned when the devil tempted them, ruining God’s perfect creation, and plunging mankind into sinfulness and death.

  • We all inherit this sinful condition at conception; we sin every day; and therefore deserve no good thing from God.

  • Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, is the only Savior from sin and death.

  • Jesus paid for all sin by His suffering and death, and rose from the dead, conquering death for all.

  • We are forgiven by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, not by anything good that we feel, think, desire or do.

  • God brings us this forgiveness through His word, and through the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

  • Heaven and eternal life await all those who believe and trust in this free and full forgiveness which came at the expense of Jesus’ perfect life.

  • The Holy Bible, is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God, and the only norm, rule, and source of faith and life.









  • To remain humble children of the heavenly Father through faith in Jesus.

  • To steadfastly abide in Jesus and His truth, revealed in the Holy Bible, and faithfully explained and confessed in the Lutheran Book of Concord.

  • To walk with and serve our Lord, thanking Him for His great love for us.

  • To proclaim His truth to everybody, especially the good news of what Jesus has done to save us.

We are members of a small group of congregations known as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).  For more information on what we believe, teach and confess see this link on the WELS webpage:



Our Mission

As men, women and children united in faith and worship by the word of God, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod exists to make disciples throughout the world for time and for eternity, using the gospel to win the lost for Christ and to nurture believers for lives of Christian service, all to the Glory of God.

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